A truly professional tool for building ship and boat models with a keel length up to 100cm (39.4"). Fully equipped with many adjustable brackets and holders.
Not only does Professional Building Slip allow for more precise model hull construction, but also makes it more efficient. Full length rulers and adjustable bulkhead brackets provide minute adjustments and prevent dreadful asymmetrical bulkhead positioning. Professional Building Slip also features full 360 degrees hull rotation thus enabling comfortable and accurate construction work.
Professional Building Slip is delivered in kit form and has to be bonded with wood glue (not included). It contains perfectly fitted parts and assembly instructions.
The model and accessories in the pictures are not included in the kit and serve only demonstration purposes.
Main features:
- Base size: 100cm x 25cm (39.4" x 9.8")
- Maximum keel length: 100cm (39.4")
- Maximum keel thickness: 7mm (0.3")
- 360 degrees hull rotation for comfortable and accurate modelling
- Full length rulers and adjustable bracket mounting points
Additional information:
OM02ui - Stojak na pędzle - wkład do szuflady OM02u
Stojak i schowek na pędzle - wkład do szuflady OM02u
OM16 - Magnesowy uchwyt modułowy na instrukcje
Magnesowy uchwyt modułowy na instrukcje do zamocowania na modułach.
OM13 - Moduł na Wypraski
Moduł na Wypraski posiada kilkanaście slotów do przechowywania wyprasek, kalkomanii, szablonów, papierów ściernych itp. Dzięki temu modułowi zaoszczędzisz miejsce na swoim blacie podczas pracy nad modelami.