Returns & Complaints

Returns & Complaints

The customer has the right to return purchased goods and withdraw from the contract within 14 days of receipt for any reason. The Customer receives the return of whole paid amount, for the goods, as well as for the shipping. The shipping fee will not be returned by the Seller in case of withdrawal from the contract.

Please specify, which of the situations described below applies to you:


- I received damaged goods;
- I received goods, different than ordered;
- I received goods, that are not compatible with the contract

Please contact us before returning the goods. In justified cases, we ship damaged or mistaken parts immediately to speed up the solution of the problem, as we care about the full satisfaction of the Customers.

In case of goods returns, please secure the goods and deliver them to our address:

HZ s.c.
ul. Mickiewicza 29
95-050 Konstantynów Łódzki



Withdrawal from a distance contract, return without giving reasons

The customer has the right to return purchased goods and withdraw from the contract. The declaration of withdrawal, you can find here , or any other unequivocal statement, ought to be sent within 14 days of delivery.

The Customer has 14 days to return goods, from the time of sending the declaration of withdrawal from the contract.

Please secure the goods and deliver them to our address:

HZ s.c.
ul. Mickiewicza 29
95-050 Konstantynów Łódzki


The Customer receives the return of whole paid amount, for the goods, as well as for the shipping. The Seller does not bear the cost of return shipping of goods.